Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Civil Disobedience

This is just a simple outline. I have a very detailed ppt with many photographs (that's still a work in progress). The worksheets are found here (A class/B class).

When is it ok to break the law? How does big social change happen?

I. Introduction

Activity: Calculated Acts

A. Thoreau 

1. Vocabulary: Chinese/English
Extra:  Civil Disobedience (in Mandarin and English)

II. Gandhi

A. Reading
Extra: Video in Chinese

III. American Civil Rights Movement

A. Martin Luther King Jr.

MLK Jr was influenced by the teachings of Jesus (The Golden Rule and Loving your Enemies) as well as Gandhi's success with Satyagraha. 
  1. Readings A Class/ B Class
  2. We Shall Overcome (lyrics with translation/ video)
B. Rosa Parks
  1. A Class/B Class
Vocabulary Review:  Crossword


IV. Nelson Mandela

  1. Apartheid
  2. Ubuntu
 ( Readings: A Class/B Class)

V. The Asian Experience

A. Self-Immolation (Vietnam, S. Korea and Tibet)
B. Asian-Americans
C. Taiwan
D. Assessment/Project
  1. Bumper Sticker 保險杆貼紙 Design a bumper sticker with a catchy slogan.
  2. Wanted Poster 通緝 Make a wanted poster for a person.
  3. Comic Strip 連環漫畫 Draw a comic strip that shows examples of figurative language.

VI. Environmental Justice and Civil Disobedience

  1. Ken Ward
  2. South Dakota Pipeline (A Class/ B Class)

A Nation in Search of Heroes
10 Examples of AAPI's Rich History of Resistance
Tibetan Monk 18 Dies After Self-Immolation Protesting Chinese Rule (English/Chinese)

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

New Years, Intention, Expressing Hope, Making a Difference

Handouts (A Class/ B Class)

I. Readings

1. Christmas Around the World
Festival of Lights (A )
2. New Years Eve
New Years Eve Reading: Write the Chinese meaning over the vocabulary:

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve, also called Old Year's Night, is celebrated on December 31st, the final day of the year. It is celebrated all over the world with parties and social gathering with usually a lot of fireworks and noise.

In the United States of America, New York is the place where this celebration is associated with. People gather in the Times Square (時代廣場) just before midnight in the last minute of the countdown to see the "ball dropping".

The celebration is also associated with parties in other parts of the world. In France, for instance, the celebration is called le Réveillon. Special food is prepared(made) accompanied with champagne. People also go to the Eiffel Tower in Paris to see fireworks display. In Japan, people traditionally clean their home. Buddhist佛教徒 temple bells are rung 108 times at midnight. In Brazil, the beach of Copacabana科帕卡瓦納 is considered by many to be the place of the most beautiful fireworks show in the world.

On New Year's Eve, people commit themselves with resolutions. These are made to reform a habit and should go into effect (start) and remain (stay) until fulfillment (the habit is changed, or finished).

Write 3 questions about the reading:
Write 3 questions that apply the reading to your life:

Writing:  New Years Resolution

Reading 3: Prince Harry 哈利王子 Vows To Make a Difference

(A Class/ B Class)
Vocabulary: making a difference”, royal王室的, documentary紀錄片, charity慈善機構, candid坦誠的, interview面談, confess坦白, orphans孤兒, war veterans老兵, perspective觀點, energized, community社區

Cons 弊病
Giving to charity慈善事業

Opening a door for someone

Doing someone's work

Buying someone flowers

Paying a stranger a compliment恭維(話)

Doing voluntary自願的;志願的work

Reading Skills: Cause and Effect (more worksheets)

II. 你對未來有甚麼希望和夢想?What are your hopes and dreams for the future?

What is the difference between these two statements? Explain.
            >I hope I can improve my English.
            >I wish I could improve my English.

HOPE 希望,祈望,盼望

WISH 希望;想要, 願望,心

1.     hypothetical (or imagined/unreal) situations 假設的情況
EX: I hope you can make it
1.    Express future possibility 祝願
EX: We wish you every success in the future.我們祝願你將來事事成功。
2.     Express goodwill 善意
EX: I hope you have nice day
I hope you had a nice day.
]2.     Expressions of goodwill 善意
EX: I wish you a Merry Christmas!
EX: I wished him well with his new venture.我祝他的新企業成功。
3.      Usually used in the future tense (but not always.)
EX: I hope to see you tomorrow.
3.     Express Anger (用來表示對某人行為的厭煩)我希望…

EX: I wish she'd shut up for a minute and let someone else talk.
EX: I wish you'd look at me when I'm trying to talk to you!我希望在我跟你說話時,你能看著我!
4. Specify a desired outcome
EX: I hope to have a new car
To Want to do something 希望, 想要
[ + to infinitive ] 
EX: I wish to make a complaint.
1. Hope for the best 抱樂觀的態度,盡量往好處想
EX: I've repaired it as well as I can - we'll just have to hope for the best.
4.   Expresses regret about the past. Used with past perfect(與過去完成時連用,對過去某事表示悔恨)
EX: I wish I had studied more.
EX: I wish (that) I hadn't eaten so much.我真希望自己沒吃那麼多。

Wishes about the past: Using the Past Perfect.
Wish + (that) + past perfect +verb: 
Wish + (that) + past perfect+ been +adj.:

EX: I wish that I had been brave enough to talk to that pretty girl.

Look at the pp of irregular verbs to finish your writing on page 5.

++ PP Games Easy/ Hard

Conversation: Expressing HopeWishes Conversation QuestionsExercises, Board Game

III. Setting an Intention 意圖,打算

A. Examples of Intentions:

Have less stress,  Be a more thankful person, Be A Better Listener to Everyone, Forgive Myself and Others, Make Someone Smile everyday, See God in everything, Be A Patient Person..etc

Example: 2017 Intention: Focus and Prioritize

C. Desire Map-

Achieved 實現了   in 2016
2017: Write 1 short term goal and one long-term goal.
1. Livelihood and Lifestyle生活方式
 Travel, lots of trips
2. Body & Wellness (HEALTH)
 started jogging

3. Creativity創造力 & Learning
Wrote more poems, started dancing 
4. Relationships關係 & Society 社會
 spent more time with family
5. Spirituality 精神性;靈性
go to church

Make a Vision Board:

Use your Desire Map and make a vision board. Draw, color, cut and glue from magazines or newspapers to create a visual collage of your dreams, goals, hopes for 2017.

Grammar: Suffixes

Adjective Suffixes
-able, -ible
Can, able
edible, presentable, credible 
pertaining to有關;涉及
regional,  emotional, coastal
reminiscent of使人想起的;使人回憶起
picturesque, statuesque,
notable for (full of…)
resentful, doubtful
-ic, -ical
pertaining to有關;涉及
mythic, domestic
-ious, -ous
characterized by的特徵;為所特有
nutritious, studious 
having the quality品質;特性of
childish, snobbish
having the nature種類;特性;本質of
creative, divisive, decisive 
endless, ageless, lawless, effortless
characterized by的特徵;為所特有
greasy, nerdy, smelly
Add a suffix to make a new word exercise.
Suffix Game, More Games