Sunday, July 29, 2018

Social Studies 2018-19

I taught 9th grade Social Studies here a few years ago, I called that class " Peace and Justice."

This year, there will be four themes, all of them dealing with the intersection of economics, gender, justice and personal/environmental well-being. We will discuss who are the stakeholders, the main issues and look at alternatives and solutions. The bulk of the students' readings (like previous years) comes from Breaking News English, News in Levels, Liberty Times Net and Apple Daily. The vocabulary for games and review are here.

  1. The Price of Fashion: What are the socio-economic and environmental impacts of “fast fashion"?
The garment industry is a 3 trillion dollar powerhouse with many negative impacts on society and the environment. It is the most labor-intensive industry on earth employing 40 million garment factory workers, but there is little economic justice for them. This unit looks at problems with human capital and outsourcing in the supply chain, with case studies in Bangladesh and Cambodia, as well as the negative effect of advertisements on consumers. The cultivation of cotton, leather and polyester also damages the environment. Finally, we will look at solutions, which companies embrace consumer consciousness, Fair Trade, and ‘pre-loved clothing’.

  1. Mental Health Issues: What are the social and economic impacts of mental health illnesses and how does local culture contribute?
Mental health is critical to a person’s well-being. Statistically, all of us will experience at least one mental health care crisis, whether it is anxiety or depression or something else. One of the first things to help is to talk about the issues, remove some of the stigmas and know that there are solutions and safety nets in place. Mental Health needs to be integrated into the curriculum and normalized in society the same as talking about nutrition and the health of the body.

  1. Prison Studies: What are some of the issue around incarceration and reintegration in Taiwan and abroad?
The role of prisons is to remove the dangerous person from society, as well as punishment for a crime. Because Taiwan is an island, land space is limited and prisons are becoming overcrowded. Is the Taiwanese Justice system meeting the needs of society? Eventually, most prisoners return home. Former prisoners have special issues regarding reentry into society. What kind of social supports and prison programs are working in Taiwan and other countries? What kinds of human rights abuses are committed in the name of justice? How a civilized society responds to crime and punishment and the role of prisons is an important precedent for both deterring crime, creating a safe society and cultivating democratic principles.

  1. Environmental Justice: What are the impending issues the world is facing in regards to climate change and who are the leading forces?

Climate change will soon be affecting everyone, but right now developing communities are bearing the brunt of these effects by poor health, even death, and displacement. Environmental degradation is far from equal. Tragically, those with the smallest carbon footprint are among the first to feel the effects of climate change. Which groups are most at risk and what are proactive communities, governments and businesses doing to mitigate climate change and develop sustainably? In Taiwan, which communities are fighting environmental injustice right now, and which has had success in the past? How can their examples inspire us to make better lifestyle choices?

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