Sunday, July 29, 2018

ESL 2018-2019

For the 200 level classes (8th grade), we finally have a book! We will be using Great Writing (Book 1), which focuses on writing a paragraph while reviewing grammar from last semester.  (I taught 8th grade ESL a couple of years ago, here is my previous course outline.)

Until their textbook arrives, the A level classes will learn about International Suicide Prevention Day which is September 10th. The B class, who are new students for me, will focus on me getting to know their level and a review of phonics.

205(B) Class Rules, Never Have I Ever (Game), Phonics and Parts of Speech Review
Reading: The First Day of School
Dialogue: School Items

October: (Unit 1) Basic Sentence Structure
  1. Parts of a Sentence/Punctuation, 
  2. Fragments
  3. The Verb “to Be"
  4. Prepositions (At, On, In)
Writing Output: 
  • Write about a country you visited. 
  • Write about a personally important place.

  1. Parts of a Paragraph 
  2. Word Order
  3. Be+ Adj.
  4. Pronouns
  5. Possessive Adj.
Writing Output:

  • Write about an interesting person you know.
  • Describe a hobby or enjoyable activity.


  1. Simple Present Tense Statements
  2. There is/There are
  3. Negative Statements
  4. Compound Sentences and connecting words
  5. A/An
Writing Output: 
  • Describe a typical “free day.”

  1. Verb to Be
  2. Regular Verbs
  3. Irregular Verbs
  4. Time Phrases
  5. Negatives
  6. Using ‘But’Complex sentences and Time Order
Writing Output:
  • Write about an important person
  • Describe an event or time from your past.


February: (Unit 5) The Present Progressive

  1. Writing From Pictures
  2. Compound  Sentences: And + So
  3. Complex Sentences
  4. Adverbs of Manner
Writing Output:
  • Describe an ongoing activity you are doing at the moment.
March: (Unit 6) The Future Tense

  1. Be going to/ Will
  2. Making Predictions
  3. Negative Simple Future Tense
  4. Articles (review)
  5. Sentences and Fragments (review)
Writing Output:
  • Describe something you want to do next year.
April/May: (Unit 7) Writing Complex Sentences with Adjective Clauses

  1. Why sentence variety matters
  2. Adjective Clauses
  3. Common Spelling Problems
  4. Modals to Add Meaning
  5. Review time phrases, fragments, and sentence types

Writing Output:
  • Describe something that is important to you.
May/June (Unit 8) Pulling It All Together

  1. Parts of a Paragraph Review
  2. Verb Tenses Review
  3. Using Articles Review
  4. Combining Sentences with a Connector
  5. Adjective Clauses: Who and That
  6. Expressing an opinion
  7. More Peer Editing Practice
Writing Output:

  • Write about an important invention in history.
  • Write about if you support or oppose smoking in public places.
  • Write a paragraph that states your opinion

Summer School: Human Rights

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