Thursday, January 29, 2015

Arthur's Teacher Troubles (Winter Camp)

 "You are welcome" to the happy teacher who has to teach this for winter camp next week:

Grade5 and 6: Week 1  (Kathy) Teacher’s Trouble Arthur’s Teacher Trouble (8 classes)

Class 1
Class 2
Before they read:
1. Brainstorm what makes a good teacher. Have them in pairs fill out their brainstorm worksheet and then together as a class and share everyone’s ideas.
2. Have the students use pencil to number pages in their books: Page 1 starts “The bell rang..”
3. Intro vocab. (see ppt) pg 1-5

1. Vocab review game (ppt fill in the blank)
2. group Reading pg 1-5
3. Worksheets
1. Intro new vocab pg. 6-11
2. Group reading
3. Comprehension worksheets
4. Grammar: Comparing and Superlatives

1. Vocab review- Board game
2. start “Teacher of Year” posters [Make a poster of “Teacher of the Year” using a real or fictional teacher (you might have to expose them to some famous teachers: Miss Nelson, etc.) They poster has to advertise why that teacher should be “Teacher of the Year.”]
1. Intro new vocab pg. 12-17
2. Group reading
3. Comprehension worksheets

1. Vocab review activity- class Spellathon [Give the kids a few minutes to study the words and play a class “spelling bee”. One child says one letter of a word, go down the rows. Then when they want more of a challenge , have 2 kids spell one word together, back and forth say one letter at a time.]
2. start finger puppets of story
1. Intro new vocab pg. 18-24
2. Group reading
3. After they finish the book. Compare what they said makes a good teacher with Mr. Ratburn’s qualities. (Use a Venn diagram)
4. Comprehension worksheets

1. watch video of book (12 minutes)

2. finish finger puppets and retell story

“Arthur’s Teacher Trouble” Teacher’s Guide
Class 1-2
I. Activities: 1. Before they read: Brainstorm what makes a good teacher. Have them in pairs fill out their brainstorm worksheet and then together as a class and share everyone’s ideas.
Have the students use pencil to number pages in their books: Page 1 starts “The bell rang..”

II. Intro Vocabulary (page 1-5)
1. alphabetical order
2. rang
3. over –done, finished
4. file out
5. feel sorry for someone
6. wrong move
7. warn
8. death-row
9. spellathon- a spelling contest, spelling bee
10. principal- the head of a school
11. trophy

III. Vocabulary Review Game (ppt has simple fill in the blank)
IV. Group Reading pg. 1-5

V. Comprehension Questions:
1. Whats different about the class in Room13? Why?
2. Why are those students upset?
3. What terrible things do they say about their teacher?
4. When is the school’s “spellathon”?
5. What does Francine mean when she said, “not if I can help it.”

Class 3 -4
I. Intro new Vocabulary (pg. 6-11)
1. slam
2. strict
3. grumbled
4. tons of
5. pepperoni pizza
6. pest
7. announce
8. pale
9. continue
10. represent

II. Vocabulary Review
III. Group Reading

IV. Comprehension
1. Who is D.W? How old is she?
2. How does Arthur’s mom try to make him feel better?
3. What’s Arthur’s homework?
4. What quiet place did Arthur find to study?
5. How is your life the same or different than Arthur’s?

V. Grammar: Comparing and Superlatives
EX: Hard-harder-hardest   (pg.10)
EX: strict-stricter-strictest (pg.6)

Class 5-6
Vocabulary (pg. 12-17)
1. aquarium
2. to correct
3. hiccup
4. good luck charm
5. clear your throat
7. mistake
8. backstage
9. auditorium
10. to gulp

1. What were the other classes doing on their Friday?
2. How would you feel if you were Arthur?
3. Who is Buster?        
4. Do you have any good luck charms? Do you believe they work? What are some good luck charms on Taiwan? America?
5. Who helped Arthur study for his spellathon? Who helps you study for a big test? Ask your friends and see who helps them study.
6. Who was your class representative for the recent speech competition?
7. How does Arthur feel before the spellathon starts? How do you know?

Class 7-8
Vocabulary (pg. 18-24)
1. to welcome
2. explain
3. in a flash
4. definition
5. incorrect
6. audience
7. deep breath
8. proud
9. challenge

1. What’s Mr. Ratburn’s new challenge?
2. What does that mean for D.W?
3. Name one cause and effect in the story
Activity:  After they finish the book. Compare what they said makes a good teacher with Mr. Ratburn’s qualities. (Use a Venn diagram)


Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Bremen Town Musicians

Oral Reading of the story click here.

Week 1-2 Vocabulary: (pg. 284-289)
owner, day after, grain, mill, get rid of, pleasant, tune, be filled with, glee, narrator,  hunt, weak

Matching: Write the correct letter on the line.
1. Narrator___                 a. throw away
2. pleasant        ___                  b. someone who plays music
3. glee ___                       c. teller of a story
4. flour ____                    d. come together
5. get rid of____              e. not strong
6. worried _____              f. to catch and kill an animal
7. Musician ____               g. nice
8. join _____                    h. powdered grain
9. hunt _____                   i. anxious

10. weak______                j. very happy

1. What did the donkey do every day?
2. What did he overhear his owner say and how did that make him feel?
3. Where did the donkey want to go?
4. What did the donkey want to be?
5. What animal did the donkey see first?
6. Why did the dog’s owner want to get rid of him and how did that make him feel?
7. What is something you recently got rid of?

Extra Vocabulary from the reading:

Week 3 vocabulary (pg. 290-295):
set off, alarm clock,  musician, join, walk along, buy/bought

Other videos of the Bremen Town Musicians:
Bedtime Story Animation (12 min)- this one has the English subtitles
Smart Kids TV (9 min)

Living Things

Salamander class is starting their new, much more difficult Science book 3. Lesson 1 is on Living and Non-Living things.

Vocabulary: Vocabulary Game

1. Characteristics- a quality of something (特色,特點,特)
Ex: Unfortunately a big nose is a family charcateristic.

2. Organism-a single living plant, animal or virus  (生物體;有機體;微生)
Ex: Amoebae and bacteria are single-celled organisms.

3. Respond-a reaction to something
Ex: He responded by marching off and slamming the door behind him.

4. Reproduce - when living things make babies, or young
Ex. Some creatures were better at surviving and reproducing themselves than others.

5. Environment- the air, water, land, space where animals, plants and people live
Ex: We're not doing enough to protect the environment from pollution.

6. oxygen- a colorless gas making up most of the Earth's air, needed by living things to live

7. Cell- the smallest part of a living organism

I. Vocabulary Matching
1. characteristic                       a. when living things make their young
2. organism                               b. react
3. respond                                c. smallest part of organism
4. reproduce                             d. invisible gas that makes up Earth’s air
5. environment                          e. a living animal, plant or virus
6. oxygen                                  f. trait, quality of something
7. cell                                       g. the air, water, land space where animals,
                                                people, plants live
II. Fill in the blank using your vocabulary.
1. We can look at an onion’s ________ under a microscope.
2. A scuba diver has tanks of _________ to breathe under water.
3. Their family _________________ was they all are really tall.
4. We all need to take care of our ________________ by recycling and not using so much plastic.
5. Tigers can ____________ better than lions in zoos.

III. Circle T for True and F for False.
1. Rocks, soil and water are living things. T/F
2. To grow means to change with age. T/F
3. All living things are full of water. T/F
4. Plant make their own food using energy from moon light. T/F
5. You need a telescope to look at cells. T/F

IV. Writing (pg. 27). Pretend you are a bird. What would you need to live? Research about birds, write a small story about your life as a bird.

I am a _____________ bird. I was born in a _________ in a
(kind of bird)                                                      (kind of environment)
__________ environment…__________________________

V. The Food Pyramid (pg. 27)

Watch a video on the Food Pyramid and fill in the spaces of the pyramid worksheet. This is a video based on the old USDA Pyramid, not the more recently revised "My Plate." There is a lot of controversy on the USDA pyramids, but for simplicity's sake, I will stick to the original. 

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Adventure Time!

Next Thirsday and Friday I will be out of the country celebrating my 40th. For some of my sub teachers I am making a listening worksheet watching, "The Dentist". They will also have to fill in a worksheet relating the plot.

1. dentist 牙科醫
2. serious  嚴重的;糟糕
3. diseased  患病
4. tree-house  樹上小
5. partner搭檔,夥伴,同
6. butter奶油,牛 
7. soldier  士兵,軍人,戰
8. ground地,地
9. chokes(使)窒息;(使)哽噎;(使)呼吸困
10. fighter戰士;戰鬥者;鬥
11. grasslands  草原;草
12. secret

Watch, "The Dentist" here

Watch, listen and fill in the blank.
 strong   funny       dentist       snakes       tooth      serious       mistakes        showed

The Dentist (S6 Full transcripts here)

Jake: [sniffs] Blegh. Your ______ looks bad, dude. It smells like a garden shed in here.
Finn: [groans in pain]
Jake: Finn, I think you have to go _______.
Finn: I can't go dentist, Jake. You gotta take care of it.
Jake: [sighs] Just go dentist, dude. [approaches rotten tooth] Okay. Easy does it. [presses against tooth]…
Finn:  This is so bad. What did Princess Bubblegum say when you _______her?...
Princess Bubblegum: Hmm. Finn, this is literally ________. You have to go dentist.
[Flashback ends.]
Jake: Dude. You. Got. To. Go. Dentist.
Finn: [running out] Nooooo! I'm too ________ for the world! [falls off bridge, crashes through the roof of the treasure room] I don't want to go dentist, Jake. They put you in a hole filled with __________ and rotten butter and they leave you there.
Jake: Come on, man. It's not that bad.
Finn: [sighs] Okay.
Finn: Soft sand. [turns and sees an ant] Ant.
Ant: Welcome to dentist, cadet. [salutes] I'm lieutenant Gamergate. [sniffs] Snakes and rotten butter. A common _______—you were expected to arrive with snacks and a flashlight. Either way, you're here.
Finn: So... dentist is ants?...
Gamergate: Dentist is dentist, cadet! Drop and give me twenty!
Finn: I don't have any money.
Gamergate:_______ man goes dentist, huh? The queen's office is in the royal hill.
Finn crawls into the hill and up to the door.]

Busy     seat    hurts   fighter   monsters     mission    partner   dinner  

Finn: Holes. [opens door and turns the chair around to face him; it's empty] Hmm.
Queen: Listen, I wasn't here when you came in. I'm a very ______woman. [sits down, swivels chair to face the wall, then swivels it back to face Finn] Hello. My name is General Tarsal. I am the current queen of this regiment, and please have a __________.[Finn sits down as best he can in the cramped room.]
Queen: As a first-time recruit, I'm confident that you have no idea what you're doing here.
Finn: My tooth ________.
Queen: Let's take a look at your file. [opens drawer, takes out folder] Ahh, you're a fighter! [to herself] We could use a _________.
Finn: My tooth hurts.
Queen: What? Of course it does. Let me explain. You have gone dentist. That means that you will server a brief tour of duty, and in exchange we will provide full dental rehabilitation. You will be on the front, fighting ________. Monstrous monster worms!
Finn: Worms.
Queen: The worms are employed by the flies.
Finn: Worms.
Queen: Work for the flies. You fight them; we'll fix your teeth.
Finn: Me.
Queen: Yes, you! [opens map] Your _______is to secure this junction at all costs. Upon completion of service, you will be sworn to absolute secrecy. The flies have spies everywhere. Fly spies!
Finn: Heh heh. [imagines a fly dressed like a spy]
Queen: These worms are no joke, so you'll be assigned a __________. Ah, let's see... Cadet... Tiffany Oiler.
Finn: Tiffany?!
Tiffany: [in Finn's mind] Tiffany! Finn, I'm gonna kill you!
Finn: That guy wants to kill me!
Queen: Tough nuts, that's dentist.
Loudspeaker: Cadets, ________ is being served in the mess hall, central hill subtunnel eight.
[Finn worms his way through a tunnel to the mess hall. An ant serves him a pile of …

PLOT: The Dentist

Bathroom     mouth  diseased  treehouse  dentist  butter   ant  soldier  Tiffany  worm giant  ground  mouth  chokes  rock  ants grasslands  secret

The episode starts with Finn in the _________ complaining about severe tooth pain while Jake's inside Finn's ________ investigating a tooth that is seriously ________ and black, telling Finn to go to the dentist. Finn refuses and runs off crashing through the bottom covering of the __________. Jake manages to convince Finn to go to the __________.

After that, Finn is next seen being put in a well with ________ and snakes which transports him into the Ant Kingdom. He is assigned by one of the ______  captains to go to an office. In the office, a female ant general makes Finn a _________ and assigns Finn a partner, Tiffany Oiler. Finn goes to have a meal where he meets with _________.
The next day, Tiffany and Finn start their hunt to search for the Queen _______, while they have their conversation, Tiffany runs to an area where he gets a suspicious feeling.

Suddenly, many giant worms dig out of holes, Finn convinces Tiffany to work together and they both kill many _____ Worms.
Out of nowhere, the Queen worm breaks through the ______ below them causing Finn to fall. He quickly grabs on to a ledge. Below him, the queen worm opens its _______ right under Finn. Finn asks Tiffany for help which Tiffany is unable to do.

Finn slips and falls into the queen's mouth but bounces back as it ________ on him and coughs Finn back out. Finn is blown into the air hitting his head on a sharp _______causing his teeth to shatter. He accidentally falls on Tiffany causing Tiffany to fall into the worm's mouth.
Finn wakes up in a bed where he is treated by many ________. His teeth have been fully replaced and the female ant general tells him that Tiffany is missing in action.

Finn is then transported back to the _______ with snakes and butter where he is welcomed back by the residents. However, he still has to keep Dentist a _________.