Thursday, December 21, 2017

Poverty Part 3: Thinking About Solutions

We are finally ending our comprehensive unit on Poverty. I have a more detailed ppt and corresponding handout.

I. Support girls’ education in poor countries
++What is the link between girls’ education and poverty?

SCHOOL SUBJECTS: Rank these and share your rankings with your partner. Put the most important at the top. Change partners often and share your rankings.
 • literature
 • English
 • maths
 • art
 • geography
 • science
 • history
 • sports
Reading 1: Illiteracy, Poverty and Girls' Education (A, B)
Vocabulary (A /B): Write the Chinese meaning, use your dictionary.

What does Globalization mean?

What is Fair Trade?

Fair Trade is a worldwide movement. Over a million small-scale producers and workers in 500 certified producer groups in 60 countries are actively involved in this system. Their products are sold in thousands of “world shops”, Fair Trade shops and supermarkets, and online.

Fair Trade unites producers in developing countries with millions of consumers in developed countries. These goods often carry an information label that explains how they benefit poor people. This helps to raise awareness about the conditions under which many people in developing countries live. By buying Fair Trade products, people show that they want fair globalization. Consumers have the power to demand trade justice. Trade justice means a fair international trading system, based on rules that ensure that everybody benefits.

No matter how hard poorer people in developing countries may work, trade rules often  benefit the rich world most. The result is exploitation for hundreds of millions of people. Trade justice is about changing the rules that keep people in poverty.

7 Reasons To Buy Fair Trade (Group Presentations)

Reading 2: End Debt Crisis, Case Study: S. Korea
(A, B)
Vocabulary: (A/ B)

Reading 3: Universal Basic Income, Case Study: Finland

Universal Basic Income: A Utopian Idea Whose Time May Finally Have Arrived

Universal basic income (UBI), is simple enough: the government would pay every adult citizen a salary, regardless if they worked or not. Doing so, might solve many endemic economic problems, from poverty to chronic joblessness, which will only get worse in the near future.

Martin Luther King Jr. endorsed the idea, as did conservative economists Milton Friedman and Friedrich Hayek.  Today, thinkers on the left see the UBI as a way to fight poverty and inequality. To the right, the idea is a simple alternative to a bloated social-welfare system.

Critics come from all sides too: they say the UBI is just a decoy to starve government help that boosts universal child care or free college tuition. Or it’s one more bad program bound to make workers lazy,making a large numbers of people dependent on the government.

Finland became the first European country to pay unemployed citizens an unconditional monthly wage. The two-year national pilot program, gives 2,000 unemployed Finns ages 25 to 58 a guaranteed €560 (around $590), money that would keep coming even if they find work. The test is intended to alleviate poverty and reduce unemployment.

The Finns aren’t alone: similar experiments are moving forward in Canada, the Netherlands and Italy. The Indian government is also thinking about having a small UBI as a strategy to cut the country’s most extreme poverty.


Tapping 輕拍 for the Classroom

I recently discovered EFT Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping therapy) and have introduced it to my daughter to deal with her stress at school. Stressed out people stress out each other. Since starting tapping, even after a few rounds, I feel an immediate calming effect.

Tapping began about 26 years ago and has been used in the States by war veterans to deal with PTSD創傷後壓力症候群 and later by students after mass school shootings. Now it is becoming more mainstream, being used in American classrooms and advocated by principals for their staff and student body, as well as becoming more popular globally. (Taiwan is actually having an upcoming certification course at Changhua Normal University in February)

                                                                                       How to Tap Video

How to do:
First, you need to identify the painful issue or situation. Then you say the setup statement 3x. You honestly recall the stressful situation or anxiety and say it aloud or in your mind as you tap 9 acupressure points. (Karate chop on the hand, bone around eye,  above your lip, under your lip, collarbone, side body, grown of head).

Each time you do, it gives voice to fact that you are feeling this  and while tapping these areas it helps the brain secret calming hormones to the point that these same thoughts lose their intensity of stress. For example, "Even though I feel anxiety about school, I accept myself." Keep tapping on those points while you vent. Eventually, you can have these thoughts without the physical tension.

You can also say aloud a positive affirmation, "I am likable, I accept myself" or "I am surrounded by Love"  or anything that aligns with your personal spiritual beliefs while tapping.

EFT is a combination of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western psychology (Dr. Gary Craig,1991 and TFT's Dr. Callahan)


  • Reduce short-term and chronic stress壓力管理, short-term depression憂鬱症 and anxiety焦慮症 
  • Lowers cortisol 可體松 (stress hormone that inflames the body)
  • Reduce joint pain
  • Reduces bullying傷害 in schools
  • Clears or reduces childhood trauma (ie. from bullying, abuse)
  • Decrease fatigue 疲憊
  • Decrease tension headaches
  • Improve focus and ability to pay attention, ADHD 注意力不足過動症
  • Improves grades and job performance
  • Drug free therapy
  • Improve Sleep
  • Improve athletic coordination技術, 協調性 and performance
  • Changes the classroom, office space, home, into a positive environment if all or most of the members participate regularly
  • Improves adult bonding/couple relationship problems

For the ESL classroom, I think its important for the kids to do it in Chinese; they can whisper anything they want to themselves. I will try this with my more advanced/mature students with a general anxiety, like before an exam, and see how it goes.

EFT Asia
EFT for Teens
EFT for Teen Girls
EFT for toddlers
HappiMe App (Worry, Anger, Anxiety, Test/Exam Stress, Insomnia, Bullying)
EFT Research
Hold Me Tight (Chinese)

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Christmas ESL 2017

This year’s ESL magazines have a Christmas dialogue that's pretty boring. I thought we could check out the examples of a Christmas conversation here and have the kids possibly write their own. I also made a speaking board game.

Unlike previous years, I can't devote as much time to teaching Christmas because this year's ESL program is heavily focused on grammar. Once a week is about as much as I can have, to talk about Christmas. Fortunately, I have a lot of materials for next year. (The Grinch, the Nutcracker, A Christmas Carol, and Charlie Brown.) However, I will always make time for the Nativity Story and singing carols.

  1. Introduction:

What Christmas traditions do you know?
A: I know about...
[ See Christmas Traditions around the World]

Why is/isn’t Christmas important in your Taiwan?
A: Christmas isn’t important in Taiwan because….
Christmas is important in Taiwan because…

Why do/don’t you like Christmas?
A: I like Christmas  (or I don’t like Christmas) because….

Whether you like Christmas or not, the birth of Jesus has historical significance.

The Importance of Jesus' Birth: [see the First Christmas]

  1. TIME: The West counts time (the Gregorian calendar) according to Jesus' birth. BC  (Before Christ)西元前 and AD (Anno Domini) 西元;西元. So the year 2017 is 2017 years after Christ's birth. Most scholars believe Jesus birth actually happened between 4- 6 BC.
  2. RELIGION 宗教信仰;宗教:  He is the founder of the Christian religion (CHRISTIANITY基督教) and believed to be God incarnated in man. He is considered a prophet預言家 by Muslims穆斯林, who also believe in His virgin birth (but not his deity).
3. The Main Theme 題目 of Christmas: 
  • Being  a Light in a Dark World, inviting that Light
  • the love of God to be born a poor man
  1. Christmas Carols
  1. Modern

Clothes Donation Drive- Success!

Special thanks to my co-teacher Alii, my students and their parents and all the teachers who participated in making this winter clothes donation a success. 

 Earlier today a van full of men's winter clothes was taken to the Yilan Fisherman Labor Union.

 Later this afternoon Hua Zhe Hospital picked up 20 boxes of clothes!