Monday, April 17, 2017

Discrimination歧視 in Taiwan

 My 7th graders are doing a group presentation on discrimination in Taiwan. I am taking a break in our Civil Disobedience Unit, we had just finished The Civil Rights Movement. They must come up with an example and some solutions. I had to show them examples as many of them didn't believe Taiwan had racism or ageism.
  1. Aboriginal people  原住民 
  2. Westerner 西方人   Otherness 不同性
  3. Wheel chair access 輪椅通道
  4. Pay gap  (性別的)薪資差距     salary 薪資   sexual harassment 性騷擾 
  5. Second generation immigrants 第二代移民
  6. South East Asia 東南亞
  7. Disabled people 殘障人士
  8. Rent 房租     Landlord 房東;地主         Tenant 租戶;佃戶;房客
  9. Gender性別 equality 平等/ inequality 不平等  
  10. Victim 受害者    harass使煩惱   harassment 騷擾行爲      
  11. abuse (n./v)   verbal abuse 辱駡
  12. punishment 懲罰   EX:  jail, fine, community service (志願或代替服刑的)社區服務
  13. LGBT (Lesbian女同性戀 Gay男同性戀  Bisexual 雙性戀 Trans 跨性別)

Think About:
  • How can we help disadvantaged people? 我們如何保護弱勢的人?
  • How to enforce change? 如何實行改變?具體方法? New laws? Punishments? Education? 
  • Be specific 特定的; 明確的 !  
Racism 種族歧視

Sexism 性別歧視

Ageism 年齡歧視

Disability殘疾 discrimination

Religious 宗教 discrimination

Sexual orientation 取向 discrimination

Their grading rubric for their presentations is here:

Discrimination in the University dorms and lack of Gender Studies

Example Videos: Many thanks to my co-teacher Alii for finding most of these videos.

Second generation immigrants 第二代移民
 (English news with Chinese subtitle)
Second generation immigrants strive to overcome discrimination in Taiwan

Aboriginal 原住民
  1. Discrimination against aboriginal people. Stereotype and racial discrimination.
  2. House renting ad refuses aboriginal tenants.
  3. military camp commander said ‘’you aborigines all love alcohol, and that is what you learned since you were kids)

Gender Discrimination
  1. Gender Discrimination in Taiwan. Girls love shopping?  Single women cause danger, Pay gap, Taiwanese women earn 82% of men.   Men suffered from discrimination too: they must be tough, cannot cry…

Age discrimination
  1. USA: Social Experiment: Age Discrimination Food Truck  (English)
  2. UK: Areporter suited BBC for age discrimination (English & Chinese)
  3. Taiwan: A lady was refused by her sports centre when she turns 77
  4. Taiwan: The elderly face difficulty renting house, 2 
  5. 1.    Taiwan: Driving class: pay extra 1000NT/2000NT fee if you are over 40/50!
  6. Taiwan: Discrimination in job application
  7. In Taiwan, Many/Most job application forms ask people to disclose their personal info including age, sex, marital and family status, even height and weight.

Disability Discrimination
  1. Train station staff discriminated against a disabled lady.
  2. McDonald discriminated against a down-syndrome customer and kicked him out.
  3. Laundry store with 90% disabled employees was complained by the neighbors.  

Religious Discrimination

  1. USA: Social experiment Muslin clerk (English)
  2. Taiwan: two American Mormon teachers were fired because of their religion. The Catholic school was fined by the govt.
  3. Taiwan : the Festival of Fast-breaking   (Eid al-Fitr) Chinese
  4. Taiwan: Employer forced Muslim migrant worker to feed pigs
  5. Taiwan: Muslim immmigrant workers do not eat pork
  6. Taiwan: a NGOworker advocated that Taiwanese must  treat migrant workers  fairly
Sexual orientation
(English & Chinese subtitle) A famous tragic case: In 2000, a 15-year old boy Yeh-Yung-Chih 葉永鋕was found dead in blood at the school toilet.  He had been bullied for a long time in school but teachers ignored it.  After his death, Yeh’s mother became a brave activist in the struggle for LGBT rights movement. 

POST PRESENTATION: What Other Countries Are Doing
Gender Pay: Iceland
Affordable Housing: Germany
Creative Housing for Elderly: Holland
Good Samaritan Laws:  好撒馬利亞人法   USA,
Hate Crime Laws: UAE, USA (45 States have a Hate Crime Law)

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Coldplay 酷玩樂團 In Taiwan Last Week

Coldplay was in Taipei last week. If it were 17 years ago, I'd totally go see them. It was in 2000/2001 when Coldplay came out with their first album and I was living in Tamsui at the time. They were pretty sensational when they first appeared on the music scene. Now a bit too commercial, but I'd still be impressed if  my students went to see them live. Some other HD students in my school did go to them. they took the day off school, so well done! Heck, if it wasn't a school night and I had the funds, I'd take my 11 year old because she has never been to a rock concert and its totally age appropriate.

I will use this news article from the Taipei Times and introduce my 8th grade ESL classes some Coldplay songs and do some listening and writing as a warm-up. I'm only using songs from their first 2 albums as the latter are personally less interesting.

A Sky Full of Stars
Chris Martin Taiwan Interview

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Spring is Here: Easter and Earth Day

Earth in beauty dressed awaits returning spring- William Butler Yeats

I. Spring 春天 songs

  1. Here Comes the Sun (The Beatles) Video/Lyrics/Demi Lovato Cover/
  2. Beautiful Day (U2) Video/Lyrics/Translation/ Live with Chinese Subs
  3. Best Day of My Life (American Authors) Video/ Lyrics/ Translation
  4. Morning Has Broken (Cat Stevens) LyricsVideo with lyrics, cover, Neil Diamond

II. Idioms 習語

  1. to be no spring chicken 老大不小;不再年輕
  2. a spring in your step 步伐輕快;(走路)輕鬆自信
EX: There's been a definite spring in his step ever since he met Joanna.

III. Literature (A Class) Spring Poems

  1. I Wandered Lonely As a Cloud/ Daffodils (Wordsworth 威廉·華茲渥斯) LessonWorksheet/ Chinese/ ppt
Wordsworth was a romantic poet. He believed that people should try to understand the natural world by interpreting their emotional reactions, rather than through scientific investigation. He really liked daffodils. This poem follows a ABABCC (iambic trimeter) rhyme pattern.

Writing techniques:

  • simile 明喻(的運用)
EX: The lines "She walks in beauty, like the night..." from Byron's poem contain a simile.拜倫的詩句「她在美中徜徉,如同…的夜晚」中含有一個明喻。
  • personification- 擬人化 giving human qualities to an object or idea
EX: They paid tribute to the artist as "the personification of excellence."

Are you a romantic?


  1. glee
  2. solitude
  3. daffodils
  4. breeze
  5. bay
  6. gay- happy
  7. glance
2. A Prayer in Spring (Frost)
Extra: Craft

III. Easter (April 16, 2017)

Mandarin  Easter Video, Jesus Cartoon

  1. commemorate (v)
  2. resurrection 
  3. Jesus Christ 耶穌,耶穌基督
  4. Christian
  5.  celebration
  6. fall/ fell/fallen (v.)
  7. rise/rose/risen (v.)
  8. bury (v.)
  9. Good Friday(基督徒認為耶穌受難的日子,復活節前的星期五)受難節,耶穌受難瞻禮
  10. associated with

Easter Sunday commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is the most important Christian celebration. The date of Easter Sunday changes every year, and that changes the date of all the important holy days that come before Easter. It falls between late March and late May. Easter is so important because Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead, two days after he died on the cross. Jesus’ dead body was buried in a cave on Good Friday and two days later the stone that covered the cave’s entrance had been moved and Jesus’ body had gone. Various people saw Jesus in the following days and his followers understood God had raised him from the dead. Historians say this happened some time between 26 and 36 AD.

People celebrate Easter in many ways around the world. It is a very busy time for churches. Many Christians light a special Pascal candle on the evening before Easter. This represents the rising of Christ. There are special songs and hymns which people sing in church. Children like Easter because their parents and grandparents give them chocolate Easter eggs, a sign of new birth. Schoolchildren usually decorate eggs and display them in their school or give them as gifts. Other things associated with Easter are the Easter Bunny and spring flowers like irises. An unusual Easter tradition in Norway is to solve murder mysteries at Easter. Television channels show murder mystery shows.

IV. Earth Day (April 22) Readings

Nat Geo Earth Day Run in Taipei

Beef Production Damages the Environment (B Class)

Pre-Reading ActivityHow might these foods hurt the environment自然環境? Complete this table with your partner(s). Change partners often and share what you wrote.

How bad?
How to make it better?


GM food基因改造食品

Farmed fish

澳門最毒的食物:三文魚 (紀錄片預告) | THE MOST TOXIC FOOD IN WORLD (Documentary Trailer)
Fair Trade 公平貿易
Child labor 
Human Trafficking  人口販運

  1. harmful 有害的
  2. global warming 全球(氣候)暖化
  3. greenhouse gas 溫室氣體(尤指二氧化碳)
  4. carbon footprint 碳足跡(個人活動所產生的二氧化碳的份量)
  5. wheat 小麥
  6.  damage (v.) 損害
  7. livestock (n.) 牲畜;家畜;家禽
  8. government (n.) 政府
  9. consumer (n.) 消費者
  10. excessive (adj).過多的
  11. consumption (n.) 消耗量

Worries About Microplastics in Our Seafood (B Class)

Vocabulary: Write the English and Chinese meaning
[A Class Vocabulary]
1.     micro- tiny, small EX: microscope
2.    plastic- man made material that doesn't decompose 腐爛
3.    shellfish 甲殼類水生動物
Lobsters, crabs, and oysters are all shellfish. 龍蝦、螃蟹、對蝦和牡蠣都是甲殼類水産品。

4.    marine biologist- scientist who studies ocean life
5. oysters牡蠣

Comprehension Questions:
1.     Why is eating shellfish dangerous now?
2.    How often do you and your family eat shellfish?
3.    What does a Marine biologist do?
4.    How can we lessen 減少 plastics in the ocean?
5.    What are some harmful 有害的 effects效果 of plastic in the human body?

Extra Videos: Alternative to Plastics, Edible Water Bottle, Gyre: Creating Art from Ocean Plastic

A Class Quiz 9 on Microplastics

Greenpeace 綠色和平 Resists Trump (B Class)

Vocabulary: Write the Chinese meaning and then write a sentence in English.
(A Class Vocabulary)

1.     banner (n.) (a big picture which you put in the street)
2.     resist (v.) (stand against something or somebody).
3.    White House (n.) (where the president of the USA lives)

The organization組織 Greenpeace綠色和平 does not like president Trump. It puts a banner near the White House. The banner reads “RESIST”. It is yellow and orange. It is 21 by 11 meters big.
1.     What kind of organization is Greenpeace?
2.    Why is Greenpeace hanging a banner?

3.    Can you guess what Greenpeace does in Taiwan?

Bio Bus Runs on Poo (B Class)

Vocabulary: Read the English meaning and write the Chinese meaning. (A Class Vocabulary)
1. operate (work, be)
2. poo (brown waste you leave in the toilet)
3. tank (a thing which has space inside for something like water or gas).
4.  gas (fuel for cars and trucks)

This news is about a bus. The bus operates in England. It runs on gas. This gas comes from human poo! The bus can travel 186 miles (299 km) on one tank of gas. It can transport up to 40 people. The bus is good for our planet. People produce the gas. The bus can always have enough gas.
1.     Why is this bus good for our planet?
2.    Do you think all buses and cars should use this kind of gas? Explain why or why not:

Adidas to Make Shoes From Ocean Garbage (B Class)

Adidas Debuts New Shoe From Ocean Plastic

Vocabulary: Highlight in your reading. Then use a dictionary to write the Chinese meaning above or below each word. (Vocabulary Games: A Class/ B Class)
  1. awareness
  2. pollution
  3. boost (v.)
  4. public
  5. preserve (v.)
  6. extremely [very]
  7. proud
  8. trainers [British English: sports shoe, American English: sneakers, tennis shoes]
  9. environmentally
EXTRA: France Bans Captive Breeding of Dolphins

B Class Activity: Write 5 good questions about ocean pollution in pairs.
A Class Role Play activity

Group Class Presentations: 5 Things We Can Do To Save the Earth

Closing Discussion:

1. Given the previous readings, would you change anything about your diet 飲食 now that you learned more of the harmful effects to yourself and the environment?

2. How willing are you to tell your parents to consume less beef or shellfish?

3. Would you consider becoming a vegetarian 素食者 or vegan嚴守素食主義者? Even for a few days a week?

Earth Day Network
Japan to Exceed Bluefin Tuna Quota
PCB in Arctic Waters

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Grunge油漬搖滾 for ESL


Grunge 油漬搖滾 was an alternative rock另類搖滾 music movement of Generation X X世代. 
Grunge music began in the US Pacific Northwest太平洋西北地區 subculture 次文化 . 

Grunge was commercially successful in the early 1990's. It uses punk rock 龐克搖滾樂 , heavy metal 重金屬搖滾樂 and distorted guitar sounds. The lyrics 歌詞 are often about social alienation疏離感 , apathy懈怠,  a desire for freedom and was critical 批評的 of their parents' generations' focus on the "rat race", making money.

I. Nirvana 超脫樂團

  1. Smells Like Teen Spirit (Lyrics/ Original Video/ Video w/Lyrics/ Cover by Taiwanese)
  2. The Man Who Sold the World
  3. Lithium

Jam: to play jazz or rock music with other people informally without planning it or practicing together(與他人)即興演奏爵士樂(或搖滾樂)

EX: Wanna come to my house and jam tonight?

II. Pearl Jam 珍珠果醬樂團
  1. Even flow (Original/ Video with lyrics)
III. Soundgarden 聲音花園樂隊
  1. Black Hole Sun 
IV. Smashing Pumpkins 非凡人物樂團

  1. Bullet with Butterfly Wings (Lyrics, Video, Video w/Lyrics)

V. UK's BritPop 
  1. Blur 模糊 (樂隊)

2.Oasis 綠洲合唱團

V. Movies

  1. Clerks (1994)
  2. Singles (1992)
  3. Empire Records (1995)
  4. The Year 1999 and Y2K: Fight Club 鬥陣俱樂部, The Matrix 駭客任務, Go
    The Matrix 駭客任務 can be watched on Netflix.