The simple past is a verb tense that is used to talk about things that happened or existed before now.
Past Time Expressions:
Last...week, month, year, weekend, winter..
Ago: 3 days ago, 2 summers ago, 6 weeks ago...
When + past: when I was a baby....
I. Regular Verbs
When ESL students first learn to form simple past tense verbs, they learn to add an "-ed" to the end of the base verb form. For example, "walk" becomes "walked.
Rule: Root Verb + -ed or -ied
Grandma cooked a delicious dinner last night. (root Verb: cook)
She studied English last Thursday. (root Verb: study)
A. Pronunciation: The final e in‑ed is generally silent:
Irregular verbs are verbs that don't take on the regular –d, -ed, or -ied. The top 10 irregular verbs in English are: see, say, go, come, know, get, give, become, find, and think. (Top 50)
They saw the biggest Christmas tree yesterday at the mall.
The simple future tense indicates an action that will happen in the future. The future tense is formed by using the helping verb will or going to (or shall) with the base form of the verb.
Going To: Definite Future Plans, Intentions, Predictions
Will/ Won't: Decision, Future Facts
A: I’m going to have a party on Saturday night.
B: Perfect, we'll bring dessert.
Simple Future Conversation Questions
Are you going to study tonight?
Will you have fun this Friday night?
Are you going to meet friends today?
Will you talk to your parents soon?
Will it rain today?
Is it going to be sunny tomorrow?
Will this year be a good year?
Will you wear the same clothes tomorrow?
Other ways to speak in the future tense:
1. intend to + Verb She intends to study Biology in college next Fall.
2. decided to + Verb I decided to go shopping tomorrow.
3. plan to/ plan on+ Verb-ing They are planning to honeymoon in Hawaii.