Thursday, November 12, 2015

Cows, Sacagawea and "I'm Nobody! Who Are You?"

I. ROOT 詞根 : “duce “ lead, bring
 1. Reduce 減少;減小;降低;縮小 The plane reduced speed as it approached the airport.當飛臨機場時,飛機減慢了速度。
 2. Seduce勾引;誘姦 
3. educate教育,培養 The form says he was educated in Africa. 表格上顯示他在非洲接受教育。

 II. IDIOM 成語:

 1. “Lick your lips” 垂涎欲滴地期待 He licked his lips at the thought of all that money. 一想到那麽多的錢,他就有些迫不及待了。

2. “Fly into a rage” 勃然大怒 I asked to speak to her boss and she just flew into a rage. 我要求跟她的老闆談話,結果她勃然大怒。

 Now draw the literal and idiom's meanings.

 III. Vocabulary for "A Life-Saving Cow" (Vocabulary Review Games)
1. Herd (v.) 趕成一群,放牧 A old woman was herding the goats up the mountainside. 一位老婦人正在山坡上放牧山羊。

 2. Trunk樹幹 
3. Knock out (v.) 擊昏(某人);使(某人)不省人事 She hit her head on the ceiling and knocked herself out. 她的頭撞到天花板,昏了過去。

 4. Lick (v.) 舔,舐 He licked the chocolate off his fingers. 他把手指上的巧克力舔乾淨了。 She licked the stamps and stuck them on the parcel. 她舔了一下郵票,然後貼在包裹上。 

5. Manage to (v.) 成功做到,順利完成(尤指困難之事) [+ to infinitive] Did you manage to get any bread? 你弄到麵包了嗎?

 6. Rage (v.) 激烈進行;猛烈發作;肆虐 The storm raged outside. 屋外暴風雨大作。 

7. Noon- 12:pm, 正午;中午 We used to ski before noon then take a long lunch. 我們過去經常在中午之前滑雪,然後悠閒地吃午餐。

 8. Red Cross紅十字會 The Red Cross is/are supplying medicine to the earthquake victims. 紅十字會正在向地震災民提供藥物。

Reading 2: Sacagawea 薩卡加維亞

薩卡加維亞 肖肖尼印第安人婦女,曾背負幼兒,隨劉易斯與克拉克遠征隊跋涉蠻荒,進行考察。 薩卡加維亞是肖肖尼族印地安人。1800年,當她才12歲大時,被希達察族的印地安人抓走,1804年被賣給或輸給了一位法裔加拿大籍的設陷阱捕獸者及商人夏博諾,成為夏博諾的其中一位妻子,兩人育有一子讓·巴蒂斯特。 維基百科出生 1788 配偶 圖森·夏邦諾

 (Vocabulary Self Study)

Native American美洲土著居民,印第安人,  Pacific Ocean,__________,  raid突襲;突擊,     prisoner犯人,囚犯,       trade交換;改換,更換,          slave奴隸,
gamble賭博,打賭,      dialect方言,土語,地方話    interpreter口譯員         expedition遠征;探險,考察   valuable 有用的;重要的;有價值,   explorer勘探者;考察者;探險者

I never saw a Purple Cow,
I never hope to see one,
But I can tell you, anyhow,
I’d rather see than be one!

Reading 4, Poem: I’m Nobody! Who are You?” by Emily Dickinson   

Vocabulary:   nobody沒有人,無人,       too也,還,
Pair一對,一雙, 一對,           advertise, 登廣告,做廣告,宣傳;公佈;徵聘
dreary, 沈悶的,單調乏味的,令人沮喪           public, 民眾的,大眾       bog泥塘;沼澤

I'm Nobody! Who are you? 
Are you nobody too? 
Then there's a pair of us? Don't tell! 
They'd advertise, you know! 

How dreary to be somebody! 
How public – like a frog – 
To tell one's name the livelong June 
To an admiring bog! 



暴露於公眾 -- 像隻青蛙 -- 

1. How do you think the writer feels?___________________________________
2. Have you felt this way before? When?________________________________
3. Why is it better to find someone who feels the same?

4. Who is “they” in Line 4?___________________________________________

5. Why would it be dreary to be “Somebody”?____________________________
Do you agree with the writer?____________________________________

6. How are frogs “public”?___________________________________________
7. How are people like frogs?_____________________________________

8. This poem is an example of a ____________ poem.
a. ABA                   b. ABCB        d. AABB

9. This poem is about_______.
a. being unknown and private is better than being famous
b. frogs are disgusting
c. Somebodies are better than Nobodies
d. It’s better to be humble, rather than proud

10. Make a poem mood ring.

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