Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Postcards and Topic Sentences

Review: What makes a complete sentence, parts of a sentence, basic punctuation and subject/verb agreement

  1. Adjectives: Identifygame
  2. Articles (the, a, an)
Writing: Students will be taught to write topic sentences , supporting sentences , and an introductory or summary paragraph that contains an introduction , supporting details , and a conclusion. 学生将学习如何写主题句、支持句,以及文章中的段落(包含介绍主题、支援主题的细节及结论) 。
  1. Topic Sentences: Main Idea (More exercises, activity). Summarizes the main point of a paragraph and tells the reader the main idea.
Exercise: Look at the picture and write a topic sentence.

Writing Problems:  TOPIC + MAIN POINT
WRONG: I will tell you about fast food.
RIGHT: Fast food is bad for your health.
Television's effects on children
Topic sentences:
Ex 1. Television hurts children because it teaches them violence.
Ex 2. Television can improve a child's knowledge.

Write a topic sentence for each subject.
  1. Smoking cigarettes
  2. Foreign travel
  3. Space exploration
  4. Rock music (or rock musicians)
  5. Studying a foreign language  
2. Theme vs. Main Idea
3. Supporting Sentences (signal words, video, practice, 2, 3, )

Writing a Postcard 明信片:

Standard postcards have five simple parts.

  1. The greeting 問候;招呼;迎接
  2. A sentence about WHERE you are
  3. One or two sentences about WHAT you are doing or have done
  4. A closing 結束的,結尾的,收結的
  5. A signature 簽名
When students follow this formula, their postcard will look like the following.
Dear _____, 
I am in _________. We are having a great time. Yesterday we __________. Monday we ___________. Wish you were here. 
Love, _________

A Class:

Reading Comprehension: Class Field Trip

Reading Skills:

  1. Classifying
  2. Analogies
  3. Following Directions (Recipes)
  4. Recalling Details

B Class:

Reading Comprehension:

A. Sojourner Truth 索傑納·特魯思

Vocabulary: slavery, owner, separate, slave, remain

B. Spiders

Vocabulary: creepy, eight-legged, creature, sticky, strand, lab, cable, bridge

C. Venus 金星 (維納斯)

Vocabulary: twin, degrees, surface, atmosphere, through, trap (v.)

D. Dogs

Vocabulary: wild, ancestors, wolf, pack (of animals), behave (v.)

[-F to -V in the plural click here for list:]

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