Friday, March 22, 2019

A Young People’s History Chapter 12, “The American Empire”

How did Capitalism and Nationalism shape out a plan by the elites? What was their plan?

I.Important Concepts
The Monroe Doctrine, The Platt Amendment
The Anti-Imperialist League (Helen Keller and Mark Twain were members)

II.Important People
Winston Churchill, President McKinley, William James, Mark Twain

III. Spanish-American War
  1. What was the debate about the US helping Cuban independence from Spain?
  2. How did most US soldiers die?
  3. How did the US maintain control of Cuba?
  4. What and who were critical of US policy in Cuba?
IV.Revolt and Racism in the Philippines
  1. What was the effect of the Spanish American war?
  2. Why did the US start a war with the Philippines?
  3. Why did black US soldiers not want to fight in the Philippines?

V.ESSAY: Compare US involvement in Cuba and the Philippines at this time and the public
(Quizlet, Video)

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