Sunday, May 5, 2019

The Vietnam War for 7th Grade

We are still in the 1960s, A Young People’s History (Zinn), Chapter 18 focuses on the American war in Vietnam and the anti-war movement.

Videos: 1960s Crash Course, Khan Academy, Ted-Ed (Ho Chi Minh Trail),
Ted-Ed (Nixon)
Vocabulary: Quizlet

(Khan Video: reviews Cold War vocabulary: containment, Domino Effect, introduces: French colonization, Diem, Bay of Tonkin Resolution)

Communism and Combat
  1. Why did the US help France bomb Vietnam in 1946?
  2. What did the 1952 secret memo say about SE Asia?
  3. What did a 1954 memo say?
  4. What kind of leader was Diem?
  5. What did the US do when they saw Diem was losing control?
  6. What was one of the first things LBJ did in office?
  7. Who has the power to declare war in the US? How was war declared in Vietnam?
  8. What happened in Mai Lai?
  9. What was kept from the US public?

This Madness Must Cease
  1. What kinds of people started the antiwar movement?
  2. How did the antiwar movement even infect the government?
  3. How did journalism help reveal government lies?
  4. How did the Vietnam war end?

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