Saturday, June 8, 2019

US History: The End of the 20th Century

A Young People’s History, Chapter 23
Vocabulary: (Quizlet) Videos: Clinton, Waco, WTO Protest in Seattle,
Extra: Battle in Seattle (2007)

  1. Even when the US wasn’t at war, what was the government doing?
 And what was its effect?

Moving Toward the Middle
  1. Why was America hopeful?
  2. What did Clinton do to win?
  3. What was disappointing about Clinton?
  4. Why was Waco a disaster FBI mission?
  5. How was Clinton no different from other presidents?

  1. America was the richest country in the world, but what was the problem?
  2. Which statistic on the wealth gap was the most striking to you and why?
  3. What sources of money were available for social safety nets?
  4. What was Clinton’s legacy?

Vision of Change
  1. What weren’t Democrats or Republicans willing to do?
  2. What was ignored by the media?
  3. How did the living wage movement start?
  4. Why did the Seattle protesters protest free trade agreements? What was their goal?
  5. What did the media focus on?
  6. Was the Seattle protest successful?

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