Monday, June 17, 2024

Learning French For English speakers

 French is the first or second language in more than 40 countries and is spoken by 125 million people around the world, on every continent. 


 II. Free online Lessons 


III. Video (YouTube) 



IV.  Podcasts (on Spotify) 

  • Learn French 

  • News in slow French 

  • Coffee Break French 


V. Apps 


VI. Themes 

Friday, November 17, 2023

Thanks To/ Thanks For/ Thankful for

The first is generally used during a speech and other indirect communication while the second is used when talking directly to the person you’d like to thank.

THANKS TO: You say “thanks to” about someone you wish to thank. 

Example: “Thanks to John for watching my cat while I was out of town."

THANKS FOR: You say “thanks for” when something makes you grateful. 

Example: “Thanks for watching my cat, John, and thanks for buying all the cat food, Mary.”


I'm thankful health.

Friday, November 10, 2023

Spreading fear of bedbugs alters daily lives of Koreans빈대 공포 전국 확산

 KEY WORDS (Quizlet)

■ commute 통근하다
■ bedbug 빈대
■ fabric 직물, 천
■ bite (곤충 등이) 물다
■ surge 급증, 급등
■ parasitic 기생하는
■ larvae 유충
■ file 제기[제출]하다
■ infestation 들끓음, 만연

Kim Sang-hee, 32, who commutes to and from work by subway in Seoul, does not sit during her rides these days even when there is an empty seat, because of fears of bedbugs that have been spreading nationwide recently.
최근 빈대 공포가 전국적으로 확산되자 서울에서 지하철로 출퇴근하는 김상희(32) 씨는 빈자리가 있어도 앉지 않는다.

She is particularly concerned as she takes Seoul subway Line No. 1 to go to her office near Jonggak Station, which is the oldest section of the Seoul subway system.
서울 지하철 노선 중 가장 오래된 1호선 종각역 근처에 사무실이 있어 김 씨는 특히 걱정이 크다.

"Trains on Line No. 1 are mostly old, and many of them have seats made of fabric that could become a good home for bedbugs," Kim said on Tuesday. "I am worried that I could be bitten by bedbugs before I know it."
화요일 김 씨는 "1호선 지하철은 대체로 오래되고 좌석 중 다수가 빈대가 번식하기 좋은 직물로 만들어졌다"며 "나도 모르는 새 빈대에 물릴까봐 걱정된다"고 덧붙였다.

Korea has recently seen a surge in bedbug sightings and damage nationwide since Keimyung University, located in Daegu, reported in September that some of its students were bitten by the parasitic insects in their dormitory.
지난 9월 대구 계명대학교 기숙사에서 학생 일부가 이 기생성 곤충에게 물렸다는 신고가 접수된 후 최근 전국 곳곳에서 빈대 목격과 피해가 속출하고 있다.

Other related cases have since been reported across the country, including the Seoul metropolitan area. There were media reports of bedbugs and larvae found under floor mats at a public sauna in Incheon in October.
다른 관련 사례는 서울을 포함한 전국 각지에서 보고되고 있다. 지난달에는 인천의 한 찜질방 매트 아래쪽에서 빈대 성충과 유충이 발견됐다는 언론 보도가 있었다.

In Seoul alone, nearly 20 reports of suspected bedbug sightings have been filed so far, raising concerns of a possible infestation in the densely populated capital of 9.4 million people.
지금까지 서울에서만 거의 20건의 빈대 의심 신고가 접수돼 약 940만명이 밀집된 수도에서 빈대 확산에 대한 우려를 증폭시키고 있다.

Comprehension. Write your answers in your notebook.

  1. How does Kim Sang-hee commute to work?

  2. Why doesn’t she sit?

  3. What has Korea seen a surge in?

  4. Where were bedbug larvae found?

  5. What other insects or animals do you know that are also parasitic?

  6. What insects or animals do you know that can be an infestation?

  7. Have you ever seen bedbugs on your travels?

  8. How do you commute to school?

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow for ESL


"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" is an 1820 short story by American author Washington Irving. Even though the story is 200 years old, Americans still enjoy telling this story, and there have been popular movies retelling it.

Not only is the story hilarious, but it teaches the concept of ambiguity. Irving leaves it up to the reader to decide what truly happened to Ichabod Crane. Just like a good ghost story, it's up to the hearer to decide what is true and what is not.

Free pdf : Intermediate/adv ESL Student

Grade Level 5: Fluent Reader

The protagonist of the story, Ichabod Crane, is a Yankee schoolteacher who lives in Sleepy Hollow, a Dutch enclave on the Hudson River. A suggestible man, Crane believes the ghost stories and tales of witchcraft he has heard and read. He is particularly impressed by the tale of a spectral headless horseman said to haunt the area. Crane is also a mercenary; he courts Katrina Van Tassel mostly because she is the daughter of a rich farmer and is expected to receive a large inheritance. Abraham Van Brunt (also called Brom Bones) is Crane’s jealous rival, a local favorite, and a rash horseman who often plays tricks on the schoolmaster. Late one night as Ichabod Crane rides home from a party at Katrina’s home, he is suddenly frightened by a ghostlike headless horseman. The ghost pursues him and hurls at him a round object that he takes to be a head but is later revealed to have been a pumpkin. The schoolmaster is never seen in Sleepy Hollow again.




lesson plan VOA, Quiz VOA

Full Movie:

Friday, October 20, 2023

Día de los Muertos for Beginners

  •  el Día de Muertos se celebra el 1 y 2 de Noviembre
  • Adornamos las ofrendas con flores de Cempasúchil
  • solemos comprar calaveras de azúcar o de chocolate
  • en día de muertos la gente va a los cementerios
  • "no muere el que se va, muere el que se olvida"

While November 1 is usually reserved for remembering children and is sometimes called the Día de los Angelitos (Day of the Little Angels), November 2 is all about remembering adults who have died and is the official Día de los Muertos or the Día de los Difuntos.


II. Activities