Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Girl Power for ESL: Readings on Gender and Future Tense

Just in time for Wonder Women's new opening!

I.            Songs
  1. “Try” by Colbie Caillat (Lyrics)
  2. “Grown Woman” by Beyoncé (Lyrics)
  3.  "Roar" by Katy Perry (ESL Lesson, lyrics)

II.          Grammar: Future Tense

2.    Practice, 2
3.    Conversation Questions, 2, Dialogues
4.    Writing

Example: We (clean) will clean on Tuesday. (We just decided to clean.)
Example: (drive) Will you drive on Sunday? (A decision about driving is being made.)
Example: Governor Taylor (sign) is going to sign the new law.
Example: Stan (share) is going to share a room with Tim next year.
5.    Games
6.    Extra Activity: Creating a Time Capsule + More

III.       Readings
Pre-Reading Discussions and Introduction:
 What is genderDoes Taiwan have sexism?

Handouts: A Class/B Class

Europe’s First Top Female Referee (B Class)

This reading is about Bibiana Steinhaus 畢碧安娜·施泰因豪斯 

13 minute version here

1.     Female
2.    Referee (n.) referee (v.)
3.    Look forward to something
4.    Media
5.    Pressure
6.    Get used to something
7.    Experience
8.    Speechless

9.    curious

After you read, answer the questions:

1.     Why is she happy?
2.    Why does she have a lot of experience?
3.    Why is it rare (not common) for a woman to be a referee?
4.    What is your dream? How would you feel if it came true?

5.    What can you do to make your dream come true?

Highschool changes Sexist Women’s Study婦女問題研究 Course 課程  (B Class)

[For more on body image click here]

1.     criticize (v.)
2.    critic (n.)
3.    online
4.    sexist
5.    subject
6.    polite
7.    etiquette
8.    enhance
9.    reproductive

10.  positive

A school in Canada has been criticized online for its women's studies course課程. Critics thought it had sexist subjects that were unfit for women in the 21st century. These included 'polite conversation,' dinner party etiquette, and 'nail application skills' ( 指甲油). There was also a course on how to "enhance your style…face and body shape". The course did also have lessons on web design, reproductive health, the role of women in history, and beauty in the media.

A leading critic was actress Siobhan Bryn. She wrote: "This is unbelievably sexist. Women's studies is not fashion流行款式 and putting on a lunch." She said the course looked like it was from the 1950's. Another critic said it was very "offensive冒犯的  and disrespectful". The school has now removed the subjects. A spokesman said: "It looks like we're supporting stereotyping girls….We want [our kids] to have a positive image身體意象  and build self-esteem 自尊,…to analyze分析 things critically."

Answer the questions:
1.     What was wrong with this course?
2.    Who do you think wrote the course?
3.    How has stereotypes for women changed?
4.    Do you have a positive or negative body image? Explain why:

Mothers Get Less SleepThan Fathers (B)

Pre-reading Questions: What is the difference between a father who “helps with childcare” vs a father who fathers? Should a Dad be more than a babysitter? What kind of father do you have? What kind of parent do you want to be?

Vocabulary :
1.     Affect  影響 It's a disease that affects mainly older people這是一種主要侵擾老年人的疾病                                 
2.    Negatively                                
3.    Unaffected 未受影響的;未受傷害的;未被打斷的 The west of the city was largely unaffected by the bombing.該城西部基本上沒有受到轟炸的破壞。       
4.    Cause  原因,起因      She had died of natural causes.她是自然死亡                                   
5.    Lack 不足  Lack of sleep had made him irritable.睡眠不足令他煩躁易怒                               
6.    Increase (v,) 增大;增加;增強  Incidents of armed robbery have increased over the last few years.持械搶劫案近幾年增多了                                
7.    Risk (n.) 風險;危險 In this business, the risks and the rewards are high.這個行業的風險和回報都很高。
8.    Diabetes 糖尿病
9.    Heart disease 冠狀動脈疾病

10.  depression 抑鬱症 Tiredness, loss of appetite, and sleeping problems are all classic symptoms of depression. 乏力、沒有食慾和失眠都是抑鬱症的典型症狀。

Mothers will not be surprised by a study that says that they get less sleep than fathers. Researchers looked at data on the sleeping habits of 5,800 men and women. They wanted to find out what affects their sleep. They found that having children in the house leads to less sleep for mothers. This negatively affects her daytime energy levels. The study found that fathers' sleep was mostly unaffected by having kids in the house.
Children are the biggest cause of mothers not sleeping. Dr Kelly Sullivan said each child increased a woman's risk of not sleeping by 46%. Just half of mothers under 45 with kids at home said they got seven hours of sleep a night. This figure was 62% for mothers with no kids at home. A lack of sleep is harmful. It increases the risk of diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and depression. Dr Sullivan said we needed to help mothers get the rest they need.
Post Reading Questions:

1.     What is the #1 reason for mothers not getting enough sleep?
2.    What are the negative effects of not getting enough sleep?
3.    Why do men’s sleep remain unaffected regardless不管怎樣 if he has children or not?
4.    Is it sexist that women do most of the parenting?
5.    What else about traditional family life is sexist?
6.    Even when a mother’s kids are not at home, how much sleep does she lose?______ Why?

7.    In your home is housework and parenting shared equally?
8.  How is fatherhood 父親的身分 and manhood 男子氣概 important for erasing sexism against women?

Wonder Woman gets women-only screening, angering certain men 《神力女超人》女性專場放映會引男性不滿
Rise of young women going 'au naturel' as nearly a quarter now don't shave their underarm自然解放浪潮來襲 近四分之一女性不再剃除腋毛

男士理想身材:想擁有"倒三角"?但你其實是"矩形" The IDEAL male body shape revealed: How men want to be 'inverted triangles' like sports stars Bolt and Ronaldo… but most are 'rectangles' like Becks and Harry Styles

IV. Writing

Writing about Gay Marriage: How will Taiwan look like in a few years?

Using your new vocabulary words, write a paragraph about how the new ruling on gay marriage will affect Taiwan in the future. Will Taiwan be the same or different? Will people's ideas about gender, gender stereotypes, gender equality be different? Will people from other Asian countries come to Taiwan to get married? 

Use the FUTURE TENSE, think about the paragraph Hamburger (Topic sentence, details, closing sentence.)


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