Saturday, April 27, 2019

A Young People’s History, Chapter 17, “Black Revolt and Civil Rights”

Vocabulary (Quizlet)
Videos: Crash Course 39, Crash Course 228, other videos linked below:
Fighting Back
  1. Why did Blacks join the Communist party?

Towards Civil Rights
  1. What were the two reasons the US had to deal with its race issue?
  2. What steps did Truman take?
  3. Explain the importance of Brown vs. Board of Education:
  4. Why is the story of Rosa Parks more prominent than that of Claudette Colvin?

MLK Jr and NonViolence
  1. How did MLK Jr get people, even white people to join his cause?

Freedom Riders and the Mississippi Summer
  1. Explain what the Freedom Riders did and experienced:
  2. Why did LBJ and Bobby Kennedy not help the SNCC and other civil rights groups?
Black Power
  1. How did the Voting Rights Act help blacks?
  2. How was nonviolence successful and unsuccessful for improving blacks basic living conditions?
  3. Why was the Black Power movement replacing MLK’s movement?
  4. What did Malcolm X and MLK have in common?
  5. Why did the FBI think MLK was dangerous?
  6. Despite all the changes in this time, what problems were Blacks still facing?
  7. Despite all the changes in this time, why were racial tensions between whites and blacks growing?

Monday, April 22, 2019

Environmental Justice for Junior High

Happy Earth Day!

This is our final 9th grade ESL Social Studies Unit for 2019. Since most of my units and themes are interdisciplinary and cross over a variety of subjects, students have already been exposed to environmental injustices when we studied Poverty in 8th grade, and Fast Fashion last semester.

Recently, there has been more exciting dissent in the streets, for example, the Student Strikes in Europe, and Extinction Rebellion, so I want to discuss these movements. I also want the students to do student teaching, as in a seminar format and so I'm going to organize groups and have them present the vocabulary and readings for their final grade.

 Handouts: A Class/ B class and ppt
  1. Introduction: Define Climate Justice, who it affects, and why it matters
  2. Environmental Racism
  3. Outsourcing in Taiwan in the 1980s
  4. Taiwanese Corporations in Vietnam Role Play
  5. The Triple Threat: Climate Change, Fossil Fuels and Extinction

  1. The Effects On Our Health and Environmental Racism:

  1. Movements
Indigenous People: Oil pipeline protest joined by military veterans, NZ
Youth (Grete Thunberg)

B. Solutions


Sunday, April 21, 2019

Week 25: WW2, Hellenistic Culture, and Ballad of the Sad Cafe

Math: continuing in Algebra
Science: Chapter 13, lesson 1 Reproductive Systems (Quizlet, Video)
Geography: Chapter 5, Unit 5 (Quizlet) Pythagorean Theorem videos: TedEd, Khan
Archimedes Videos: 1, 2
Spanish: Review Ser + -AR Verbs: Worksheets 1, 2, 3,  Story
Writing: Great Writing Book 3, Unit 7 Classification Essays (pg.166-)
US History: A Young People’s History Chapter 16, “WW2 and the Cold War

Reading: Carson McCullers' The Ballad of the Sad Cafe (pdf)
Genre: Southern Goth Vocabulary: Quizlet, Review, Test, Essay Questions
Themes: Love, Isolation, Gender Roles, Loneliness

Extra: “Four Quartets” by T.S. Eliot (pdf)

Thursday, April 18, 2019

A Young People’s History Chapter 16, “WW2 and the Cold War”

Chapter 16 Vocabulary (Quizlet)
  • America at War

Videos: Crash Course # 220, 35, 36,
  1. Who were the Axis and who did they invade?
  2. Who were the Allies?
  3. Why and when did the US join the War?
  4. What were the goals of Roosevelt and Churchill after the War?
  5. How did the US end the War with Japan and could they have ended it sooner?
Extra: Genocide, Movie on the Holocaust, Nuclear Weapons

  • The War at Home (“The Red Scare”)

Video: McCarthyism (TedEd)
  1. Why were there more strikes during WW2, than any other time?
  2. How is war “good” for those in power?
  3. What did G.E. corporation suggest?
  • New Wars
Videos: Crash Course # 37, 39, #37B, 38
  1. How did Truman frame the Soviet comeback?
  2. What’s the difference between conservatives and liberals?
  3. How did the Korean war start? Did anything change, explain?
  4. How did the US gov’t make capitalism more secure?
  5. What world events built support for this anti-Communist crusade?
  6. Ultimately, the Cold War was successful how?

Essays Questions:(You may have to research on the internet.)
1. How was WW2 framed by the US government and what things did they do to prove that wrong?
2. How did women's work change at home during the war? What about after the war ended?
3. What impact did the war years have on the rights of African-Americans? What were they allowed or not allowed to do?
4. Choose any subject related to this chapter and write your own essay.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Africa for Middle School Social Studies

Africa contains a rich history of culture, civilization, city-states and kingdoms that predate European colonization. These chapters focus on geography and climate, anthropology and human adaptation and interaction, and trade and economics. It begins with early African societies, West African ironworking and agriculture and the spread of technology, language, and religion. 

Some of the art presented:
  • Nok Sculpture
  • Aksum Architecture and Christian Murals
  • Benin Sculpture
  • Great Zimbabwe Architecture
  • Selection of Bantu speaking masks

  • Unit 1 Diverse Societies in Africa (Quizlet)
Videos: The Nok, Djenne Cities and Art,

Project: Create 3D map of Africa
Essay Questions (Choose one). You may need to use the internet for research:

  1. What advantages would iron tools give a civilization?
  2. What is the history of ironworking, what improvements have been made and how do they benefit life today?
  3. Compare Djenne-Djeno and Nok culture.
  4. How is the African Iron Age different from that in other regions?

  • Unit 2 Migration: Bantu Speaking People (Quizlet)

Videos: Push-Pull Factors in Migration, Khan Academy, Bantu Migration

 Essay Questions (Choose one). You may need to use the internet for research:

  1. How does migration shape the modern world?
  2. How did the migration of Bantu speaking people shape Africa?

  • Unit 3 The Kingdom of Aksum

(Quizlet, Video)

Essay Questions (Choose one). You may need to use the internet for research:

  1. How did Aksum's location and interactions with other regions affect its development?
  2. Why did the kingdom of Aksum decline?
  3. Which of Aksum's achievements have continues into modern times?

  • Unit 1 North and Central African Societies
(Quizlet) Scarcity and Abundance Affect Trade: Supply and Demand Video, The Almoravids, Crash Course 16,

Choose an Essay Question:
  1. What elements are necessary for mutually successful trade?
  2. How do scarcity and abundance affect trade?
  3. What was the effect of the Almohad rule on the Maghrib?

  • Unit 2 Western African Civilizations

(Quizlet), Mansa Musa, Empires of West Africa

Unit 3 Eastern City States and Southern Empires (Quizlet)

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Week 24: Alexander the Great, FDR, Ear Anatomy

I. Math: Rules for Powers, Solving Equations, Inequalities and Simultaneous Equations
II. Science: Ch 12 The Ear and Sound, lesson 2, “The Ear and Hearing (Quizlet, Video, Project)
III. Spanish: Chapter 8: The Verb IR (Present) + Question Words + Places (Quizlet, Video)
IV. Geography: Classical Greece, “Alexander’s Empire” (Quizlet, Videos: Alexander's Empire )
V. Writing: Great Writing Book 3, Unit 6 Cause-Effect Essay (pg. 154-163) and Antigone essay
VI. Reading: Greek Roots: 1. Top 30 Greek Roots  2. 50 Greek Roots
The Harlem Renaissance, read “Dream Deferred” by Langston Hughes (Video)

VII. US History: A Young Person’s History Part 2, Chapter 15, “Hard Times

A Young People's History, Chapter 15, “Hard Times”

Post WW1:
Influenza epidemic, IWW leaders in jail, the Communist Revolution in Russia,
mass immigration into the US, women could vote
Seattle’s General Strike (1919):
One of many strikes across the US, what was special about this one?
Vocabulary (Quizlet)

The Truth About the 20’s (Video: The Roaring 20s)
  1. What was this decade also called?
  2. 1924 immigration law
  3. Why do you think the KKK made such a comeback?

The Great Depression (Hoover’s Role)
  1. How did the stock market and banking system trigger the Great Depression?
  2. What are some examples of the worst jobs and who worked them?
  3. Warehouses were full of food and clothes, there were empty houses, so why were 15 million people out of work?
  4. What did veterans of WW1 do and how were they treated?

Struggling to Survive
  1. What were the goals of the New Deal?
  2. What were some criticisms of the New Deal, and were the critics right?
  3. What powerful truth did working people discover?
  4. How were people helping themselves?
  5. Who was hit hardest by the Great Depression and what did they do?
  6. After all this change, what still remained the same?
