Saturday, April 27, 2019

A Young People’s History, Chapter 17, “Black Revolt and Civil Rights”

Vocabulary (Quizlet)
Videos: Crash Course 39, Crash Course 228, other videos linked below:
Fighting Back
  1. Why did Blacks join the Communist party?

Towards Civil Rights
  1. What were the two reasons the US had to deal with its race issue?
  2. What steps did Truman take?
  3. Explain the importance of Brown vs. Board of Education:
  4. Why is the story of Rosa Parks more prominent than that of Claudette Colvin?

MLK Jr and NonViolence
  1. How did MLK Jr get people, even white people to join his cause?

Freedom Riders and the Mississippi Summer
  1. Explain what the Freedom Riders did and experienced:
  2. Why did LBJ and Bobby Kennedy not help the SNCC and other civil rights groups?
Black Power
  1. How did the Voting Rights Act help blacks?
  2. How was nonviolence successful and unsuccessful for improving blacks basic living conditions?
  3. Why was the Black Power movement replacing MLK’s movement?
  4. What did Malcolm X and MLK have in common?
  5. Why did the FBI think MLK was dangerous?
  6. Despite all the changes in this time, what problems were Blacks still facing?
  7. Despite all the changes in this time, why were racial tensions between whites and blacks growing?

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