Sunday, April 14, 2019

A Young People's History, Chapter 15, “Hard Times”

Post WW1:
Influenza epidemic, IWW leaders in jail, the Communist Revolution in Russia,
mass immigration into the US, women could vote
Seattle’s General Strike (1919):
One of many strikes across the US, what was special about this one?
Vocabulary (Quizlet)

The Truth About the 20’s (Video: The Roaring 20s)
  1. What was this decade also called?
  2. 1924 immigration law
  3. Why do you think the KKK made such a comeback?

The Great Depression (Hoover’s Role)
  1. How did the stock market and banking system trigger the Great Depression?
  2. What are some examples of the worst jobs and who worked them?
  3. Warehouses were full of food and clothes, there were empty houses, so why were 15 million people out of work?
  4. What did veterans of WW1 do and how were they treated?

Struggling to Survive
  1. What were the goals of the New Deal?
  2. What were some criticisms of the New Deal, and were the critics right?
  3. What powerful truth did working people discover?
  4. How were people helping themselves?
  5. Who was hit hardest by the Great Depression and what did they do?
  6. After all this change, what still remained the same?


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