Thursday, January 21, 2016

Winter Week Social Justice Videos

If we have extra time after finishing our last gender reading we can watch any of the following:

1. Chou Tzuyu's apology
Why was her apology big news?

From 'Iron Girls' to 'Leftovers' - Independent Women in China

Matchmaker 媒人,紅
1. Why is the social status of women in China declining?

2. How did the one child policy create gender inequality?

3. Why aren’t “left over men” experiencing any discrimination, but the women are?

4. Are Taiwanese women who pursue a career rather than family also stigmatized? What happened recently with the presidential elections in Taiwan?

5. Why do so few independent women in China call themselves feminists? Why is it dangerous to be a feminist in China?

6. How does the declining social status of Chinese women, negatively affect men? 

3. Freddie Lim

What kind of society does Freddie want?

4. Meet Verena Mei

How is she not the stereotypical Asian girl?
How has Mei penetrated a male dominated industry

5.The Pink Gang Rebellion 

Have you heard about the rape crisis in India?
How does the patriarchal system (父權社會) influence how rape is handled in India?
Who is the Pink Gang Rebellion? What is their agenda (事項)?

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