Monday, March 25, 2019

A Young People’s History Part 2, Chapter 13, “Class Struggle”

Quizlet (Self Review and Test)
Important Terms
  1. Muckrakers
  2. Sweatshop
  3. Goon squads
  4. IWW/ Wobblies
  5. Anarcho-syndicalism
  6. Socialism
  7. NAACP

Important People

  1. Emma Goldman
  2. Jack London
  3. Upton Sinclair
  4. Joe Hill
  5. Eugene Debs
  6. Susan B. Anthony
  7. W.E.B. Du Bois
  8. Theodore Roosevelt
  9. Victor Berger
  10. Rockefeller Family
  11. Woodrow Wilson

Sweatshops and Wobblies
  1. What did manufacturing companies do to produce more and cheaper?
  2. Who worked in the sweatshops and how were they paid?
  3. What was the response of the laborers?
  4. Who was excluded from the AFL?

Socialism, Sex and Race
  1. Why was socialism so attractive?
  2. Where did socialism come from?
  3. What kinds of questions did feminists ask socialism?
  4. Why was this time a low point for Black Americans? And how did they respond?

The Progressive Movement and the Colorado Coal Strike
  1. Why were reforms in this time made?
  2. Why is this called the “progressive period”?
  3. Why was the Colorado Coal Strike so important?

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