Monday, May 13, 2019

Chapter 19: The 1960s American Cultural Revolution

Young People’s History, Chapter 19, “Surprises”
From who did the biggest surprises come from?

Vocabulary: (Quizlet)

I. Women’s Lib
  1. Where did the women’s lib movement start?
  2. What did women throw into the Freedom Trash Can and what did that symbolize?
  3. What is the “feminine mystique”?
  4. Why is welfare a women’s issue?
  5. How are women controlled?

II. An Indian Uprising

  1. How did the US gov’t try to control Natives?
  2. Why are treaties an embarrassing topic for the US gov’t?
  3. What kinds of civil disobedience did the Indians engage in?
  4. What happened at Alcatraz?
  5. What happened at Pine Ridge?
  6. What other fringe groups of the US population began to organize?

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