Friday, June 14, 2019

The US War on Terrorism (A Young People’s History Chapter 24)

Introduction: What was voter turnout like at the 2000 presidential elections and why?
Vocabulary: (Quizlet)

A Close Election
  1. What did Bush and Gore have in common?
  2. Who was the third candidate and what issues were on his platform?
  3. What was the rare result of the 2000 presidential winner?
  4. Why was Florida’s popular vote in doubt?
  5. Why did Bush have an advantage in Florida?
  6. How did the US Supreme Court get involved and what was the significance of their ruling?

The Terrorist Attack and the Response
  1. What did Congress rush to do?
  2. What does the Constitution say about the US going to war?
  3. Who was the only member of Congress to disagree of giving Bush the power to declare war?
  4. Who did the US believe was responsible for 9-11?
  5. Why did Bush bomb Afghanistan?
  6. What was the effect of bombing Afghanistan?
  7. What were some victims of 9-11 doing?
  8. What were critics of bombing Afghanistan saying?
  9. What were some of the complaints from the Islamic world about the US?
  10. Who was Robert Bowman and what did he say?

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